Episode 43 timestamps 00:03:07 C9 vs TSM 00:07:12 100 CodySun 00:15:35 Call In HLL 00:19:12 Tostmin: 100 is the new Breaking Point 00:33:54 Zack: C9 will stomp TL 00:46:50 Chris: 100 Rikara wasn't the problem, they didn't play around Ssumday 00:55:01 NA LCS WoW Guild 00:57:33 abaxial: TSM lost bc Grig's small champ pool and team not using Bjerg’s pressure 01:09:14 Boss Johnsky: How does TSM make Worlds? 01:18:37 Hobbes2: C9's 6 man Worlds Roster 01:29:12 Opt: C9's coaching helped GoldenGlue's rise 01:43:02 Thiizic: TSM's weak year helps NA franchising 01:50:04 Thoughts on NA Finals 01:52:02 Outro