00:00:00 Intro - Travis's perfect predictions, MarkZ's and Raz's takes on them 00:04:00 C9 Talks (confirmed) 00:06:00 TSM Talks (Huni and SwordArt) 00:18:00 100T Talks (GGS + Ssumday) 00:24:00 TL Talks (Alphari) 00:27:08 EG Talks (Impact, Jiizuke, Lost/Wildturtle?) 00:37:10 Fresh faces, developing talent, and "budget" comps discussion 01:04:15 Chris "The Commish" Greeley joins HLL to discuss development/Academy changes and more 01:20:51 TomShoe returns to talk about the new Academy system and amateur contracts 01:30:15 LNA's take: The LCS needs a non-traditional sport viewership experience to make the league sustainable 01:39:45 RedFactorX's question: Will OCE players be able to participate in this new system? 01:41:30 LCS Salary caps discussion 01:48:07 Alienware break :) 01:53:32 TSM Reginald drops in to say hello and not discuss his roster 02:03:08 i9Gamingz' hot take-prediction: CLG will finish Top 4  02:13:31 LoLUser's take: C9 didn't lose the offseason; Licorice did 02:19:37 Phenom wants to know more about free agency in LCS (PoE take) 02:25:32 Atharva's take: IF Perkz meshes with Blabber, they're a TOP 6 team at Worlds. IF they do not, they may not MAKE worlds.  02:36:07 ExO Kaboom's take: 100T won the offseason 02:46:42 Zuihou's take: IMT waiving their contract rights with TonyTop after first picking him in Scouting Grounds and dropping both of their 2020 top laners shows a  distrust from their org towards the amateur scene or terrible business practices that are kept safe by franchising. 02:56:38 Outro