00:00:00 HLL World Tour Finale BEGINS

00:04:45 Joe Marsh joins HLL

00:14:30 Pablo's take: the games will be decided by supports, but an adc will get MVP

00:21:40 Revan's take: T1's victory will start Keria on the path to GOAT

00:30:40 Ovilee gracefully joins HLL to ask Faker to rap with her

00:35:45 Danx0r's take: crowd diff will help DRX win

00:44:50 Inero joins HLL

00:49:55 Daniel's take: NA will be a top 2 region within the next 5 years

01:01:52 Zane's take: DL coming back to competitive is bad for NA competition

01:12:20 Lourlo joins HLL, says DRX 3-0's T1

01:14:50 Jack B's take: Zeka will mid gap Faker all 4 games of the series

01:22:20 DL analyzes the botlane matchup

01:29:20 numiii's take: LCS should create more content like the East does for fan retention

01:42:10 take: DL returning would save NA

01:53:10 Noor's take: Groups is the problem with the format, not single elim