00:00:00 Intro

00:15:04 Franz asks Mark how LCS can match energy of LEC games ie. KC vs. MAD

00:30:30 Farmerginge wants to discuss having pro play take place on the live patch

00:39:50 murderino's take: no NA player should qualify for the new Hall of Legends

00:53:25 Alienware break

00:56:30 Wizery asks Mark for examples of past content that shined or missed the mark

01:12:00 gil asks Mark how his career so far is informing his new role

01:25:40 beans's take: Riot banning live coverage of NACL qualifiers is disrespectful to all parties involved

01:37:00 ezekiel asks Mark about the possibility of LCS vs LEC or other regions

01:41:40 Urdiales's take: LCS fans should focus on healthy ecosystem over international success

01:51:00 Outro