00:00:00 Intro - Welcome Jonathon! Travis reviews BlizzCon 2023, NRG's Worlds experience

00:13:42 Sentiment towards NA on international stage

00:24:30 Jonathon on NRG situation

00:33:10 Offseason trends and narratives

01:04:20 Alienware break!

01:07:40 farmerginge's take: NA roster building is the 'fat loss pill' of the esports world

01:23:50 Spencer's take: the no.1 takeaway from Worlds is that NA and EU need to compete against each other more

01:35:45 mogul's take: TL is going to lose fans and rep if they drop APA

01:53:28 Stormblessed's take: Teams should be looking to pick up EMENES

02:09:05 Outro