00:00:00 Intro

00:19:52 Munchkin predicts: DIG will beat GG, TL will beat EG, DIG will beat TL

00:35:45 Bluejay's take: Bugi, Insanity and Chime should be treated as valuable free agents

00:45:30 Alienware break!

00:49:26 MagiMick's take: 100T hasn't been able to put together a winning roster yet

01:01:28 Cool asks Spica about how culture and management affect teams

01:11:11 gyro's take: teams like NRG have always been greater than the sum of their parts

01:25:00 Cptn Turtleman's take: C9 is going to continue dominating; 3-0 vs NRG

01:37:00 tomjack asks Spica who he'd buff/nerf

01:48:48 Outro