Hoteps Been Told You 53 Hotep Jesus on Joe Rogan, another Trump accuser & more

1:20 Bitcoin Price Skyrocketing

4:00 Hotep’s California Trip

7:25 Jussie Smollett

14:20 Andre Iguodala

17:45 Carmelo Anthony Video

19:25 Elizabeth Warren

24:30 Clone

26:10 Black Lives Matter Pete Buttigieg

30:40 r/The_Donald Quarantined

33:30 Google and Project Veritas

36:50 Migrant Daughter Dies on the Rio Grande

39:00 Dems Claiming Crisis on the Border

42:50 Trump Accuser

46:05 BET Awards

55:25 Lil Nas X Album

1:00:00 CJ Pearson Debate

• Andre Iguadola Mark Jackson black balled)
• Warren\Sanders Free College
• The Donald Banned
• Trump's Accuser On Anderson Cooper
• Nipsey mom BET speech
• AOC at Detention Facility
• Sweet Pete vs Black Lives Matter
• Hotep Jesus Joe Rogan