Wassup Rockers?! I'll be at Houston Zine Fest this weekend - Sat, Nov 17, at the Lawndale Art Center. If you're in the area come on through and say Hi.  I'll have all my normal zine and tape stuff, as well as a new collection of, ahem, poems. I know, it sounds stupid right? They're good poems though. Or, at the very least, not horrible poems... You know what, let's not worry about the right now. Here's some pure fuckin' rock. Sorry about the sound quality - all these songs come off crappy old LPs from back when vinyl wasn't cool. Peace!



Scorpions – Speedy’s Coming

Keel – Speed Demon

Dio – I Speed at Night

Ratt – Sweet Cheater

Raven – Mind Over Metal

W.A.S.P. – Love Machine

TNT – Tell No Tales

Stryper – Co’Mon Rock

Kick Axe – Stay on Top

Loudness – Face to Face

Rough Cutt – Cutt Your Heart Out

Autograph – She’s a Tease

Black ‘N Blue – Great Guns of Fire

Krokus – Ready to Burn

Accept – Gaurdian of the Night

Keel – Rock and Roll Animal
