In Episode #2 of Hot Wire, Real Fresh TV's new entertainment series that takes you backstage at the coolest events in the UK, our new presenter Emma Harvey meets Elbow, Graham Coxon, Andy Rourke (The Smiths), Lou Rhodes and many more at Cohesion Live, Manchester's biggest new festival.

Cohesion Live was organised by Manchester Aid to Kosova (MaK), to raise the remaining £30,000 required to complete the Manchester Peace Park in Podujeva, Kosova.

Cohesion Live's evolution began in 1999 in a Manchester pub at the height of the Balkans' ethnic cleansing campaign, as 5 regulars of The Brit in Urmston watched news of the unfolding tragedy in Kosova. They decided to help and Manchester Aid to Kosova was born. The largest aid convoy ever to cross Europe left Manchester just 3 weeks later, heading for the refugee camps in Albania with vital supplies. Further aid was sent and over the following years, and the charity has continued its work through offering vital support to traumatised refugees including children who were evacuated to Manchester.

Pam Dawes, one of MaK's leading members, and one of the main figures behind Cohesion Live, says: "The idea for Manchester Peace Park came from those evacuated children. As they recovered here in the city they found that the parks and gardens of Manchester brought them peace, hope and a place for reflection and healing. They asked MaK to create Manchester Peace Park in their hometown where so many of their family and friends were murdered - to make something beautiful, lasting and inspiring - in that place".

Find out more about Cohesion Live and Manchester Aid to Kosova at