I still pinch myself almost every day… I live in a technological age where I can work from almost anywhere with a DSLR, laptop, mobile phone and a Wi-Fi connection… and I do!

As we speak, I’m sitting at my desk in the apartment that I’m renting for the next 7 weeks in West Hollywood and wearing a massive smile on my face. The first 5 weeks of my 90 days in the USA has just flown by and in that time I’ve created content in Texas, Georgia and California whilst working remotely with my Australian clients and contracts from the USA… this from a guy that dropped out of a biochemistry degree back in the day…

Anyway, before I left Australia for this exciting jaunt in the USA, I caught up with Australian illustrative fashion blogger & influencer, Mads Francis, an internationally renowned creative with over 91K followers on Instagram who’s had her designs and drawings featured by Rihanna, Kim Kardashian & many more.

Wonderfully inspiring chats with talented, ambitious and driven young woman, who’s created a living by pursuing her passion and putting the hard yards in to make her dreams a reality… And I feel like she’s just getting started…

Let’s get into it!

Connect with Mads Francis online:


Other links:
Winston & Willow fashion blogger
Other podcast with Winston & Willow
Inspiring street artist Rone

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