52 Jordan White (Playwrite).

"Why would I waste my time working for someone else when I can pour myself into something I love?"
Playwrite lead singer & keys player, Jordan White, has had the most wonderful upbringing - the son of a dancer/choreographer and a singer/director, Jordan spent his childhood traveling the world of musical theatre to Broadway, the West End, Singapore, Hong Kong and more.

We begin today’s podcast with the story behind Playwrite’s powerful debut album ‘Cathedrals’, a wonderful work of art and band born of the tragedy of the Black Saturday Fires, Australia's highest ever loss of life from a series of bushfires and one of the worst disasters in Australian history, where fellow band mate and best friend Patrick Holcombe lost his parents whilst trying to save their home in Kinglake, Victoria.

I’m brought to the verge of tears as I remember these cataclysmic events, forever etched in the memories of Victorians - one of my best mates, Nick was a Country Fire Authority volunteer, fighting the fires in the Kinglake area and ferrying people to safety or another friend, Shayne, who is a State Emergency Service volunteer, whose job it was during the Black Saturday Fires to check burnt out cars and other vehicles for people trapped inside… Tears...

From the ashes of sadness, we build through the podcast from this tough start to discuss the positivity and the powerful resilience of those individuals in our lives who’ve evolved into pillars of strength from great diversity, Jordan White’s determination to eliminate the fear and eliminate the self-doubt by recording an album a month for the year of 2015 through his solo project Braille Face, YOWO young women’s music program, Marriage Equality, the ‘one arm up, one arm down’ philosophy to ambition and success, David Burns & the physiological impact of music, a mum who left school at the end of Year 8 to dance in Evita and subsequently ended up being able to buy her parents a house as a result, the magic of musical theatre, parents who performed in the original cast of Cats and the impact that musical theatre has made on Jordan's attitude towards his fans and the band’s live performance, … Powerful chats and just so much goodness... 

Playwrite and their music have made a massive impact on my life; I seriously get chills every single time I listen to their music, they lift me up when I’m feeling flat and wow… you should see them live! ✨

Enjoy the podcast and remember "Do what feels right, follow your gut instinct and pull the trigger!"

For more on Playwrite:
Stream and buy Playwrite ‘Cathedrals’ on Bandcamp
Follow Playwrite on Twitter
Watch ‘Animals Housed’ shot in Kinglake.
Listen to Braille Face on Sound Cloud 
Michelle Brasier & Backwards Anorak
YOWO young women’s music program
Centerstage Performing Arts School.

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