Welcome to a very special collaboration episode of Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! with special guest Benny Wallington, founder of 101 Tokens, a new community of people taking back control over their alcohol consumption. Creating new drinking habits and a better all-round lifestyle.

5 million Australians drinking three times or more a week with 37% drinking to get drunk. Benny Wallington and 101 Tokens have empowered over 11,000 people in 76 countries to change their habits. 

This is a show about how to retrain your booze brain


I have been thinking about this a while and have decided that for the next month I am going to go alcohol-free*. I am calling it ‘Booze-Free May-Be’ and my reasons are 1 & many. 

#1. I am keen to reset my relationship with alcohol.

The Many (& side benefits to name but a few):

Health & Wellness - I exercise a shit-ton and have in fact lost 5kg in the past 5-6 months. It makes me wonder how I'll look and feel without alcohol. Financial - obvs. Productivity - you've no doubt seen and heard me tell you what I achieve. Unbeknownst to most, I have set some hefty goals for myself over the past 4-5 months. Imagine a version of me and what I can achieve with better sleep and more energy! 

I am not posting this to impress anyone, that I think that a break from booze is special or that I am smashing a high volume of beers on a daily basis (okay that happens occasionally and definitely more-so on weekends ), however it has become all too easy for me to have a beer whenever I want and I generally have at least a couple every day.

I am in fact posting this as I want to be accountable to myself and from experience the best way to do it is to make yourself accountable to others. An entrepreneur that I interviewed once whilst studying a Masters of Entrepreneurship & Innovation**, by the name of Tom O'Toole, coined one of my favourite phrases that I've learned from someone else #DreamsWithDates. If you say it out loud, put a date/timeline on it and ensure that other people hear it, then you're accountable to them and to yourself to make it so!

I'm going to journal this for myself and record a podcast or two for the benefit of others. Let's do this!

Dan x

Connect with Benny Wallington (101 Tokens) online: https://www.101tokens.com/ 101 Tokens App https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1325579246 https://www.instagram.com/101tokens/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/101tokens/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/benny-wallington-572a6718/ https://www.bennywallington.com   Vote For The Planet  https://www.facebook.com/events/2420452798230881/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&notif_id=1556835256274347 https://www.futuregiving.co/climate http://fuckgiving.co/climate   The Science of Living An Optimised Life - Going Beyond The Pale https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-science-of-living-an-optimised-life-going-beyond-the-pale-tickets-60863997856?fbclid=IwAR22xG3ugzZHRfMPvhEo5RvH_WGZMDWQ4GQNlNf0M77nyadFtju63mQ4IXQ   Finding The Frothers Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/finding-the-frothers/id1450479010 https://www.facebook.com/events/2420452798230881/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&notif_id=1556835256274347   Hit Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet up on social media here: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danwilkinson1/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hotndelicious/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/craftbeerlovin/ Twitter https://twitter.com/hotndelicious Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HotnDelicious Hot & Delicious YouTube - Ballistyx Snowboard Show, interviews & more. https://www.youtube.com/user/HotnDeliciousRecords   'Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet’ entertainment, travel, photography & lifestyle blog: http://hotndelicious.com/   For social media strategy, content/photography & influencer business enquiries contact: [email protected]

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