101 Comedian Greta Lee Jackson - Skit Box   Love love LOVE that more and more influencers and creators are reaching out via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and email to join me as guests on the Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! podcast. I’ve been hearing from fans that I previously didn’t even know existed and it’s rather exciting to feel like I'm making a positive impact and see my world expanding.   3 weeks ago Sydney-based sketch and stand-up comedian, writer and director Greta Lee Jackson of Skit Box internet fame dropped me an email and Facebook message via Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! about catching-up and the next thing you know I’m setting up to record the first ever Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! podcast at national broadcaster ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation for you overseas peeps).   It's fantastic to be catching up with Greta Lee at a time when her career has reach that tipping point where things are really starting to hum with Skit Box’s ‘Activewear’ clip reaching 4.3M+ Views on YouTube via the Van Vuuren Bros, 775K+ views of the more recent ‘Activewear’ clip featuring Ellie Goulding, her brand new digital TV series ‘Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am’ launching on ABC’s iView in November, the Berlin Patient podcast (drops this week) and her return to Sydney Fringe Festival in early September with ‘Red Flag’.   A crazy busy 24 hours in Sydney, but recording with Greta Lee Jackson and another the next day with Hot Dub Time Machine really made my week!   Let’s get into it!   Connect with Greta Lee Jackson of Skit Box online: https://twitter.com/gretaleejackson https://twitter.com/SkitBox http://www.skitbox.tv/ https://www.instagram.com/gretaleejackson/ https://www.facebook.com/GretaLeeJacksonKillingIt https://www.youtube.com/user/skitboxtv The Berlin Patient shiz: http://berlinpatient.com/about/ Download the podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-berlin-patient/id1166366992?mt=2 https://www.facebook.com/theberlinpatient/ https://www.instagram.com/theberlinpatient/   Hit Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet up on social media here:

Twitter https://twitter.com/hotndelicious Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hotndelicious/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HotnDelicious Hot & Delicious YouTube - Ballistyx Snowboard Show, interviews & more.
'Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet’ entertainment, travel, photography & lifestyle blog: http://hotndelicious.com/   For social media, photography & influencer business enquiries contact: [email protected]

101 Comedian Greta Lee Jackson - Skit Box   Love love LOVE that more and more influencers and creators are reaching out via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and email to join me as guests on the Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! podcast. I’ve been hearing from fans that I previously didn’t even know existed and it’s rather exciting to feel like I'm making a positive impact and see my world expanding.   3 weeks ago Sydney-based sketch and stand-up comedian, writer and director Greta Lee Jackson of Skit Box internet fame dropped me an email and Facebook message via Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! about catching-up and the next thing you know I’m setting up to record the first ever Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet! podcast at national broadcaster ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation for you overseas peeps).   It's fantastic to be catching up with Greta Lee at a time when her career has reach that tipping point where things are really starting to hum with Skit Box’s ‘Activewear’ clip reaching 4.3M+ Views on YouTube via the Van Vuuren Bros, 775K+ views of the more recent ‘Activewear’ clip featuring Ellie Goulding, her brand new digital TV series ‘Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am’ launching on ABC’s iView in November, the Berlin Patient podcast (drops this week) and her return to Sydney Fringe Festival in early September with ‘Red Flag’.   A crazy busy 24 hours in Sydney, but recording with Greta Lee Jackson and another the next day with Hot Dub Time Machine really made my week!   Let’s get into it!   Connect with Greta Lee Jackson of Skit Box online: https://twitter.com/gretaleejackson https://twitter.com/SkitBox http://www.skitbox.tv/ https://www.instagram.com/gretaleejackson/ https://www.facebook.com/GretaLeeJacksonKillingIt https://www.youtube.com/user/skitboxtv The Berlin Patient shiz: http://berlinpatient.com/about/ Download the podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-berlin-patient/id1166366992?mt=2 https://www.facebook.com/theberlinpatient/ https://www.instagram.com/theberlinpatient/   Hit Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet up on social media here: Twitter https://twitter.com/hotndelicious Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hotndelicious/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HotnDelicious Hot & Delicious YouTube - Ballistyx Snowboard Show, interviews & more. https://www.youtube.com/user/HotnDeliciousRecords 'Hot & Delicious: Rocks The Planet’ entertainment, travel, photography & lifestyle blog: http://hotndelicious.com/   For social media, photography & influencer business enquiries contact: [email protected]

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