1994 was a very busy time for 25 year old future Oscar winner Renee Zellweger.  She found work in six films that year - everything from a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel to grunge classics Reality Bites and Dazed and Confused.  But it was Love And A .45 that gave her the opportunity to play her first lead role.  The lovers on the lam film also boasted the varied talents of Ally McBeal heartthrob Gil Bellows, Peter Fonda, ReAnimator's Jeffrey Combs, Rory Cochrane and David Lynch regular Jack Nance. 

Dan and Vicky discuss the comedy thriller along with lots of recently seen including Bill and Ted Face the Music, 2020's The Witches, Woody Allen's Interiors, Michelle Pfeiffer starrer French Exit, 1976's original Rocky and Godzilla vs. Kong.

Check out Hot Date 128:  Love And A. 45 and leave us some feedback.  Visit our website at hotdatepod.com.