Today, Kate is talking to Glenn Fisher, from All Good Copy. He’s an Author, Copywriter, Podcast and Speaker.

His book ‘The Art of The Click’ was shortlisted as the business book of the year in 2019. And his podcast - The All Good Copy Podcast - has had a string of awesome guests on it, including me. He has a dog called Pablo, a Crime podcast loving partner called Ruth and lives in merry old England.

But as well as being a copywriting celebrity, Glenn is also a working writer, and he specialises in direct response. He’s worked with a string of sexy clients helping them drive sales and win over clients and today he’s sharing his secrets with us.

Tune in to learn:

When you talk about being a direct response copywriter - what do you mean by that? A lot of people assume direct response is all about long copy. Is that true? How do you go about writing a 10,000 word long copy sales letter? Should you handwrite out letters? How can people study direct response? What mistakes do most direct copywriters make? Who have been your biggest influences in your career? What’s the one book you’d recommend all copywriters read? Who was Glenn’s favourite podcast guest? Share the pod love

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Oh and big hugs to thatsmekq for their lovely testimonial.

About Glenn

Glenn Fisher was born in Grimsby in 1981. After a number of years working in the local council, he left to become a copywriter and founded, a free online resource for direct response copywriters and marketers. For over a decade, he worked with The Agora, a multi-million-pound international financial publisher and in 2018, having helped launch and grow Agora Financial in the UK, he left to write copy on a freelance basis, focus on coaching aspiring copywriters and publish his first book, The Art of the Click. He now regularly speaks at industry events and hosts The All Good Copy Podcast, where he interviews some of the biggest names in the business. He lives happily with his partner Ruth and dog Pablo on the east coast of England.

Connect with Glenn Twitter Instagram Website Useful links Ogilvy on Advertising Dan Ariely Predictably Irrational Mac and Moore podcast


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