Does cold emailing get you in a cold sweat? Is it something you’ve put off because you don’t want to be accused of being a spammer… Or face rejection, over and over again?

Many of us will find anything to do aside from sending a cold pitch email. We create and share content. We go to networking events. We participate in forums and FB groups where our ideal customers hang out.

All great marketing strategies but there comes a time when we need to get proactive about our lead generation.

Today’s episode features special guest, Laura Lopuch, and it will empower you to get on the front foot and start sending emails to bring in more work.

Tune in to learn:

The career Laura left to become a conversion copywriter How she uncovered sending cold emails as her superpower Whether cold emailing is just a numbers game (and how to win) Tips on preparing to send an email to someone who you don’t know The structure of an effective cold email Surprisingly simple follow up tips How to get your mojo right to send a great cold email Question for you!

Do you embrace proactive lead generation like cold emailing? Or does it terrify you?

Share your thoughts on Twitter (@hotcopypodcast) or our Facebook page!

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Thanks to Kgb_kgb from Canada for a fantastic review of the show.

About Laura

Laura is an email conversion copywriter + strategist for startups, service professionals, and SaaS companies who want to send those infamous, money-makin’ emails you’ve heard so dang much about.

Her expertise lies in cold emails. Which are the hardest email marketing channel to master. Laura’s work has been seen on websites like Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg, Get Response, Copy Hackers, and MailShake. One of her cold emails brought in $20,000 in revenue.

Thanks to her work with many clients (including online biggies like Joanna Wiebe and Selena Soo), she’s seen firsthand that being ultra-relevant to your email reader is pure magic for getting sales.

Useful resources The 2 x cold email templates Laura made available to Confident Copywriters Laura’s FB live on the 7 Types of cold emails Boomerang (email scheduler and more for Gmail) Streak (CRM for Gmail) Find Laura On Twitter On Facebook On LinkedIn On Instie

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