Cold calls. Telemarketing. Infomercials. These words send a chilling shiver down my spine. In a world where folk are over the abundance of “buy my thing” being shouted at them, how do you avoid being lumped in with the salesy slime? How can we tailor our copy to make our users feel comfortable?

Today, Cath Fowler joins me to uncover how you can use psychology based copy to persuade and sell. We’ll delve into using clever copywriting to break down trust barriers and create a message your clients will remember.

Tune in to learn:

Why you should consider psychology when writing copy  Using active voice and repetition to make your message memorable Why metaphors and similes work so well Using concrete claims to build trust The best way to convey percentages and time Getting bullet points right How to overcome objections The power of because How to create curiosity 


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Oh and big hugs to smilinsamiam from Australia  for the lovely testimonial.

  About Cath

Cath Fowler is an SEO consultant and copywriter who helps businesses get found and look good online.

Using SEO smarts and compelling copy she will establish your brand as the leader in your local area or industry. She loves working with financial services clients and regional businesses of all kinds - to help the little guys compete on the big stage.

Don't make her pick which type of client she prefers out of those two. That would be like make her pick between her two cheeky daughters and she just won't do it.

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