We’ve all been there. We were taken in by the schmick advertising, the snazzy designer, the bells and whistles.

We buy the thing.

Then it’s delivery and we unwrap the layers of shiny wrapping, dig through a giant box of those puffy polystyrene doo dars and what do we find?

A sock in a box?

All that puff and prettiness for something so absolutely ordinary. And this happens with copywriting too. Too often we focus on the exterior, the marketing, the pizazz - forgetting what really matters.

In this episode, Belinda and Kate dig deep into the idea that your copywriting business could just be a sock in a box. Press your ears a little closer to the speaker, this one is going to be a doozy.

Tune in to learn:

What is a sock in a box? How Kate’s copywriting brand evolved How Belinda’s copywriting brand evolved Do pretty proposals help land high paying clients? Good proposal software A cautionary tale The dangers of having a brand that’s too schmicky How to make sure clients are having a high-end experience Share the pod love!

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