Today we’re talking about email subject lines today. You might be writing emails to your clients or writing email marketing for your clients. Either way, your email is clawing for inbox space.

These days your email is not only competing against other company emails, you’re competing against family and friends.

Tune in to learn:

What Kate and Belinda wish they did better Tips on avoiding the SPAM folder 6 super tips on getting your email opened (amongst the noise) Question for listeners!

We’d love to know what you wish you did a little bit better. Or a lot better. You can let us know on Twitter (@hotcopypodcast) or our Facebook page!

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Thanks to Veggo85 from Sweden for a fantastic review of the show.

Useful links:  17 Tips & Best Practices for Writing Catchy Email Subject Lines (Hubspot) 15 Email Statistics That Are Shaping The Future (Convince and Convert) 23 Sales Email Subject Lines That Get Prospects to Open, Read, and Respond (Hubspot) The BEST email subject lines: 62 formulas to get your emails read (SumoMe) How to build the perfect email: Copy (Kate Toon) Email marketing: This copywriter’s playbook on getting emails noticed, read and actioned (Copywrite Matters) The Ultimate List of Email SPAM Trigger Words (Hubspot)


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