In this week’s episode we’re talking about subcontracting. This is when a copywriter or agency uses someone else to write the copy. Generally they pass out the work and pay the writer a percentage of the overall fee.

It’s something I get asked about a lot, as often, as your copywriting business grows, it can seem like a great way to earn more money without actually writing copy.

But subcontracting can be problematic, and today Belinda and I are going to share our experiences and tips with you.

Tune in to learn:

The pros and cons of using subcontracting copywriters in your business Belinda and Kate’s own experiences of using subcontractors The pros and cons of being a subcontractor Answers to the big subcontracting questions including: Whether you can get a testimonial for work you did as a subcontractor? Where you can use subcontracting work in your portfolio The average margin charged on top of your rate How much time you need to spend editing work from your subcontractors Whether you have to disclose that you’re using a subcontractor

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We read out a review at the end of each show, and today we’re giving a shout out to larrye5012 for the great review.

  Links mentioned in this article: ATO guide to employee or contractor  Sub contracting agreement