Today we’re going to talk about copywriting formulas. Is using a formula cheating or is it smart copywriting? Spoiler: It’s both.

In this episode, we share our favourite copywriting formulas and how to use them. If you’ve ever wondered, WHERE ON EARTH DO I BEGIN? this episode is for you.

Tune in to learn:

Why the PAS formula is our go to formula How the PAS is made even better What AIDA is all about The unpronounceable formula that gives you rock solid structure

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Thanks to Leigh Gree from the USA for a five-star review of the show.

Useful links: Problem-Agitate-Solve Oh My! Classic copywriting formula that converts If Don Draper Tweeted: The 27 Copywriting Formulas That Will Drive Clicks and Engagement on Social Media E11 Copywriting features, benefits and… Disadvantages?