Now we’re all copywriters here, right?

So we should be able to write, right?

But the truth is, even after years of slaving at the typewriter, we all could still learn a thing or two.

If you’re feeling lost with your writing...
Or your ransom notes are going unanswered...
Or people are ignoring your emails... 

In this episode, you’re going to get some tips on how to write better. How to write real words for real people.

Let’s get stuck in.

Tune in to learn:

How to get to know your audience Understand the purpose of what you’re writing Stop using big words to try and look smart How to stop hating on jargon Why should you stop hesitating How to think about where your words are read Why you shouldn’t overthink punctuation How to manage your time so editing and proofing are part of your process Why it’s important to be part of the world Why you should just write some crap Question for you:

What’s your number one write better tip?

Share your story on Twitter (@hotcopypodcast) or our Facebook page!

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Thanks to middleagedmamainoz from Australia for a fantastic review of the show.

About Amanda

Amanda Van Elderen is a copywriter and author of Write Better: How To Cut The Crap And Say What You Mean. She bellyflopped into freelancing in 2016 when she chucked in a cushy job and founded WorkWords. She now writes for some of Australia’s biggest brands (and loads of the smallest). She’s on a mission to help everyday people write better, and to help big brands cut the crap and say what they mean.

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