We discuss Apple's latest product releases and other technology of today. Also, the weekly, life-altering debate: "What is the greatest thing man has ever done?"

Discussion Topics: Our first cell phones, the iPhone SE, and electric skateboards.

Debate Question: "What is the greatest thing man has ever done?"

Host: David Rohlfing - twitter.com/davidkrohlfing
Guests: Jared, Joe, Jacob, & Noah

Podcast Platforms:
Soundcloud - soundcloud.com/HostelDiscourse
iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hostel-discourse/id1099255227?mt=2
Google Play - play.google.com/music/m/Iql5wd46ogkmo3ndshbesuqebbm?t=Hostel_Discourse
Stitcher - stitcher.com/podcast/hostel-discourse?refid=stpr
YouTube - youtube.com/playlist?list=PLguUAMoOJr0DbchHZNwGOSLhlL9VZNpz0

Social Media:
Facebook - facebook.com/HostelDiscourse
Twitter - twitter.com/HostelDiscourse
Instagram - instagram.com/HostelDiscourse

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