We revisit the most athletic sport debate and Jared presents his method to quantify athleticism. We also engage in friendly discourse over the greatest fast food restaurant and which state is the most American. The arguments are judged and a winner is crowned!

The Show Lineup:
• [1:08] - New segment intro! Open Season
• [1:37] - Jared’s athleticism equation
• [19:55] - Current debate winner stats
• [21:13] - Debate 1: “What is the greatest fast food chain America?”
• [42:30] - Joe judges debate 1
• [45:07] - Debate 2: “Which state is the most American?”
• [1:06:24] - David judges debate 2

Host: David Rohlfing - twitter.com/davidkrohlfing
Guests: Drake Norman, Jacob Hunter, Joe Kuiper, Jared Cozart
Intro/Outro: Landon Burke - twitter.com/landonjburke

Podcast Platforms:
Soundcloud - soundcloud.com/HostelDiscourse
iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hostel-discourse/id1099255227?mt=2
Google Play - play.google.com/music/m/Iql5wd46ogkmo3ndshbesuqebbm?t=Hostel_Discourse
Stitcher - stitcher.com/podcast/hostel-discourse?refid=stpr
YouTube - youtube.com/playlist?list=PLguUAMoOJr0DbchHZNwGOSLhlL9VZNpz0

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Facebook - facebook.com/HostelDiscourse
Twitter - twitter.com/HostelDiscourse
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