Delighted to say this episode is sponsored by Equi-Ed. Equi-Ed supply racehorse-specific accredited courses, and is Ireland's only dedicated racehorse retirement and rehoming centre. They look after some great horses such as Central House, Thomas Hobson, and Riven Light.

They're a great fit for this show, and I'm very grateful for their sponsorship of the episode. I'd appreciate if you check out their website and follow their social media:






The great Sea The Stars needs no introduction. John Oxx was kind enough to talk to me at length about him. After that, I managed to get a few minutes with Jim McGrath to discuss his legendary Arc commentary. I hope you enjoy it.

John mentions a set of photos in the episode. He has kindly sent me these, which I will be tweeting from @MarkWalsh shortly after this is released. 

This will be the last episode of Season 1. I'll be back in a few weeks with Season 2. Get in touch with any feedback, suggestions, or if interested in sponsoring the season. 

If you enjoyed the series, and would like to buy me a pint as thanks, you can do so here:


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