Diana Prince AKA "Darcy the Mail Girl" joined HorrorFam.com's Lauren Spear to talk about all the crazy-cool things she's been doing lately!

No Joe Bob! Absolutely adore him; but, this time, we wanted to shine the spotlight on our beloved "Darcy" and share all the amazing things she does on her OWN for the horror community! She's FAR more than "just" Joe Bob's sidekick — and we're insanely excited about everything she's doing to preserve horror history, support indie creators, and...just...what an adorable horror-loving NERD she is! lol. She's truly one of us, Fam. ♥

But, of course, we also talked about The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs — how could we NOT?! We chatted about the upcoming season, the confirmed (finally!) release dates, annnnnnnnnd Diana hinted to as much as she possibly could about upcoming episodes + guests without violating her non-disclosure agreement! ;)

Diana Prince's Links:

For more Diana Prince, check out...

Her horror-focused website: KinkyHorror.com (NSFW!! "You'll see boobs!")

Follow Diana on Twitter: @Kinky_Horror

Follow Diana on Instagram: @DianaPrinceXO

Be sure and say "hi!" And, if any HorrorFam.com readers/listeners can help Diana with her Monster Vision/horror history preservation project, let her know. The recent lockdown has made it more difficult than it'd normally be for her to get certain aspects of that accomplished, and she could use a hand!

Important Notes:
First, I'd like to apologize to everyone, especially Diana, for the occasional audio glitches in this episode. Diana and I had no end of technical difficulties — we met up THREE times to record this episode! — and we finally got everything working (or so we thought!) and we were like "Yeah! We rocked it! That was awesome!!" And then... I opened the audio file to edit it and just about sobbed. It's not HORRIBLE, don't get me wrong, but there are about 3-4 sentences that got cut off/garbled by my (free) recording program. I filled in the missing pieces as best I could in the written transcript, but... argh! Diana is such a peach and I feel terrible that ANY of her words went missing. :(

Fortunately, 30 minutes of our 32-minute long convo were totally A-Okay! But... yeah. I'm so sorry! Hopefully I'll have the funds to buy better equipment/software soon. O_o
Many of you are already aware of Diana's previous work in the "adult" film industry... But, for those who aren't: Diana used to be an adult actress. However, with that said, this episode is absolutely on-brand with HorrorFam.com's other PG13 content! Diana didn't even swear! She said "friggin" and "frickin" and was incredibly classy/cute and family-friendly!

Some sensitive topics are discussed in the episode that may be uncomfortable for some folks (though hopefully, ultimately, uplifting). Depression and suicide are both mentioned. If you, or someone you know, is struggling, don't be afraid to seek help. Diana discussed her fight with depression, and you can read a little about my own struggles here... There's no shame in having mental struggles, Fam. But it would be a horrible thing to live in a world without you. ♥

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd... Enjoy the episode! Share it with your friends!

FULL Written Transcript: https://horrorfam.com/diana-prince-interview

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