If you’re on social media, browsing horror content online, you’ve likely seen a few of the wonderfully goofy “self-isolating” Michael Myers videos floating around. Now, it’s time to meet the man behind the (Myers) mask: Craig Layton!

Unlike Michael Myers, Craig talks and he had a lot to say about his videos, his history as a horror fan, his frustrations with online content theft, his hopes for future collaborations, and he even offered some valuable tips/encouragement for fellow independent filmmakers.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends! And, if you love the HorrorFam.com Podcast and want to support it, please consider donating via PayPal (button in the sidebar) or Patreon. ♥

Links for MORE Craig Layton:
Follow Craig on Twitter: @craiglayton07
Follow Craig on Instagram: @BadPhotoshopGuy
Subscribe to Craig’s videos on YouTube: YouTube.com/MrCraigLayton

Update (7/11/2020): Since recording this episode, Craig Layton has updated the visible display name on his online platforms from “BadPhotoshopGuy” to “StabbyTimeTV;” however, the links above are still correct/valid URLs.

An Important Note from Lauren Spear:
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When listening to this episode, I think it’s important to remember that Mr. Craig Layton is based in Nova Scotia, Canada.

I realized, upon re-listening to my discussion with him to edit/polish the episode, that some of his comments regarding the current pandemic/lockdown (and even some of his comments regarding Halloween mask availability back in the day!) may confuse some of our American listeners — particularly those who hail from Los Angeles (where I’m based).

While Nova Scotia eased nearly all of their COVID-19 restrictions on May 1st and, as of this writing, essentially lifted their “lockdown” in full on July 3rd, that is not the case in the United States. Especially not in my hometown of Los Angeles, where we’re still under very strict lockdown/stay-at-home orders.

Anyway, I didn’t want any of my fellow Los Angelenos (or anyone else still in active/strict pandemic lockdown) hearing Craig’s statements about the quarantine ending and returning to his full-time job to get needlessly excited/confused.

PLEASE continue to follow the lockdown guidelines for YOUR area. If we all continue to work together, we may still have a chance to save Halloween 2020. (Prayer’s up!).

That said, I hope you enjoy Episode 13 of the HorrorFam.com Podcast! It was a pleasure talking to Mr. Layton about his humorous take on Halloween‘s Michael Myers and his history as a horror fan and independent filmmaker. Hang in there, Everybody!! WEAR YOUR MASKS, even if it’s a Michael Myers’ mask. ~Lauren*

FULL Written Transcript: https://horrorfam.com/craig-layton-interview


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