Episode 253

We have a fun episode for you this week, with four full-length and short films. We'll take a look at “The Nun II” and “When Evil Lurks,” both newish releases from 2023. Then, we’ll watch the first “Hostel” film from 2005 and the very odd “Incident in a Ghostland” from 2018. 

In addition, exclusive to our weekly email newsletter, we also reviewed:

"It's Alive" (1974)

“Cold Prey” (2006)

“The Bad Seed” (1956)

There are three bonus films this time because we just plain forgot to include “It’s Alive” in last week’s newsletter. Whoops!

In the podcast this week:

The Nun II (2023)

When Evil Lurks (2023) 

Short Film: The Last Halloween (2014)

Hostel (2005) 

Incident in a Ghostland (2018)

Check out all our books with one easy link: https://brianschell.com/collection/horrorguys

And that’s our show. Thanks for joining us. Stop in during the week at our website, HorrorMovieGuys.com, for news and horror updates, to comment on this podcast, or to contact us.

Get ready for next week, where we’ll watch four more full-lengths and a fun short film!

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