Ethan and Matthew continue to tell their own tragic tales of Towns. Naturally this leads to getting distracted by Rocky, learning foreign languages, and shining a light on their limited understanding of farming.

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

Episode Background

Ethan and Matthew could talk about Towns all day. After all the game has almost ruined both of their marriages. However, in an attempt to highlight some of their more memorable stories from their time with the game the brothers discover some odd connections to their other favorite interests.

This is a checkpoint for people that enjoy the game Towns, the previous Checkpoint episode, and how the game can loosely relate to 80’s action movies.

Show Notes

Cast: Ethan and Matthew Moses

Runtime: 27:44

Games: Towns

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.


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