Cole loves his RPG’s, but Ys may have been the missing letter all along. Justin descends deeper into Amnesia, and may like it a bit too much. Plus two new screen for the Vita, don’t complain about sharing, and unnecessarily sexy snipers.

Top Video Game Podcast of the Week – The interactive weekly gaming updates show featuring the games of the week and best and worst in gaming from the Horrible Night staff and the live chat audience.

Thanks to Rhinoceros Beetle for allowing the use of  “Witchhh (Soundtrack)” from the album Horse Pact EP as the TVGP theme song.

Amnesia Grunt image by Patcha105

This show was recorded live on The final video is also available on

Show Notes

Cast: Justin, Cole

Topic Summary

Games of the Week – Ys Book I, Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Horrible Night Highlights – No more rated reviews, Outlast Streams
Worst in Gaming – Sexy Quiet, New Vita Screen
Best in Gaming – Vita TV, Child of Light is Ubisoft’s JRPG (Steam Family Sharing)

Subscribe to The Horrible Shows – New Episodes Weekly


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