Justin is absolutely crushed by Mega Man, but uplifted by The Ultimate Warrior. Cole goes back to RPG school on his Vita and hopes that Nintendo is learning a few lessons. Plus the Steam Sale, EVO, and go see Pacific Rim.

Top Video Game Podcast of the Week – The interactive weekly gaming updates show featuring the games of the week and best and worst in gaming from the Horrible Night staff and the live chat audience.

Thanks to Rhinoceros Beetle for allowing the use of  “Witchhh (Soundtrack)” from the album Horse Pact EP as the TVGP theme song.

This show was recorded live on Twitch.tv/HorribleNight. The final video is also available on YouTube.com/HorribleNightTV.

Show Notes

Cast: Justin, Cole

Topic Summary

Games of the Week – Persona 4, Mortal Kombat, Mega Man Unlimited
Horrible Night Highlights – Game Curious: Bleed
Worst in Gaming – Nintendo vs EVO, American McGee cancels OZombie Kickstarter
Best in Gaming – Steam Sale, The Ultimate Warrior is in WWE 2K14
Question of the Week – Steam Sales Failures? Winners?

Subscribe to The Horrible Shows – New Episodes Weekly


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