Tiny Barbarian DX is an action platformer made with a serving of retro gaming respect and a dollop of Conan the Barbarian. Ethan Moses speaks with creator Michael Stearns about the game, indie game development, and his views on Kickstarter/Greenlight.

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

Episode Background

Ethan’s has had a great time exploring Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter for new and interesting games to sink his money into, but he was also quite inquisitive about who these “game developers” are that create such delightful little gaming treats. After an enjoyable time interviewing the creators of Broforce, Ethan pursued another chance to chat up an individual making a game about manliness, heroics and heroic manliness. Fortunately for him, Tiny Barbarian’s creator, Michael Stearns of StarQuail Games was up to the task of answering Ethan’s sometimes oddly worded and childlike questions.

This podcast is for anyone interested in the game Tiny Barbarian DX or the Kickstarter/Greenlight process.

Show Notes

Cast: Ethan and Michael Stearns of StarQuail Games

Runtime: 59:27

Games: Tiny Barbarian, Tiny Barbarian DX

Links: Tiny Barbarian on KickstarterTiny Barbarian on Steam GreenlightStarQuail Games

Related posts:

The Cursed Checkpoint #206a – The Michael Stearns StarQuail Interviews: Tiny Barbarian DX Update
The Cursed Checkpoint #206d – The Michael Stearns StarQuail Interviews: Game Time
The Cursed Checkpoint #206b – The Michael Stearns StarQuail Interviews: E3 and Beyond