Justin, Josh, and Ethan say goodbye to LucasArts, decide whether or not it’s time to buy a Vita, prepare for entering the MOBA community, and find the bow to end all bows. Plus more indie horror, Defiance on TV, and Blood Dragons.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of HorribleNight.com as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

This show was recorded live on Twitch.tv/HorribleNight. Live podcasts are featured monthly. Watch the video on YouTube.

Show Notes


Justin, Josh, Ethan


00:25 – Intro and Shout-Outs

59:10 – THS Action Pack

– Warm weather gaming

– LucasArts

– Vita

– Bows

– Free-to-play multiplayer

– Preparing for MOBA

– Real Consoles All-in Ones

1:56:17 – HorribleNight.com Updates


Josh – Building an arcade machine, OneLateNight.com,
Ethan – Blood Dragon, Our PC Podcast
Justin – Defiance TV, Metallica Pinball, Ethan’s Sang-Froid Review

Subscribe to the Horrible Show – New Episodes every Wednesday.


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THS Action Pack: The Return – The Horrible Show Live #402
THS Action Pack – The Horrible Show #312
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