As another Wrestlemania approaches Cole, Justin and Josh relive the glorious history of pro wrestling video games. From moonsaults on the NES to Rock Bottoms on the N64 to RKO’s on today’s consoles, our favorite slobberknockers will live on.

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

Episode Background

While some of us swore off of pro wrestling (and some haven’t), we can’t fight the yearly itch of witnessing Wrestlemania (which is right around the corner on April 1, 2012). All of the building wrestling talk eventually naturally turns to pro wrestling video games around Horrible Night. Cole put together this episode in order to give us and fans like us an outlet to relive our favorite wrestling games of each generation of video games. While the main wrestling games don’t have the draw for us like they used to, the recent WWE All-Stars gives us hope for the genre’s return to glory.

This episode is for anyone who has ever been a pro wrestling fan, enjoyed retro pro wrestling games or still have hope that the current games can get better.

Show Notes

Cast: Cole, Justin, Josh

Runtime: 37:32

Games: Pro Wrestling, WWF Wrestlefest, WCW vs The World, WCW vs NWO: World Tour, WWF War Zone, WWF Wrestlemania 2000, WWF Smackdown, WWE Smackdown vs Raw, WWE All Stars

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.

@HorribleShows – For Horrible Night Media

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