Aaron eats cities while gathering resources on the moon. Jordan tries to find a way to hack the Batmobile. Justin plays soccer in space while observing zombie behavior. Plus Square Enix steals our game pitches and Spelunky is still ridiculous.

Super Gaming Best Friends: the podcast where Horrible Night writers and friends get caught up on their latest video game adventures and then get to know each other better by discussing off-topic interests.

Show Notes

Cast: Justin, Aaron, Jordan

Topic Summary

Game Pitches – Escar-No! (Game Generator)
Video Games

Rocket League
Watch Dogs
Monsters Ate My Metropolis
Dying Light
Batman: Arkham Knight

Game Industry Shout-Outs

Mediocre Monster
Spelunky world record
20xx capitalizes on Mighty No. 9’s delay

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Super Gaming Best Friends #403 – No Ending Necessary
Super Gaming Best Friends #402 – Mind the Reload
Super Gaming Best Friends #408 – No That’s Much Darker