Saddle up because the SGBF’s of Josh, Justin and Cole are going to take you on a ride to both sets of Borderlands, onward to a pomeranian jungle, with a quick stop to watch steampunk fight the devil, before finally leaving you for a shiny new 3DS XL.

Super Gaming Best Friends: the podcast where Horrible Night writers and friends get caught up on their latest video game adventures and then get to know each other better by discussing off-topic interests.

This episode was recorded live on the Horrible Night Channel. Follow us to stay up to date on our latest live podcasts and game nights. View the archived video here.

Show Notes


Josh, Justin L, Cole


00:18 – Intro

05:05 – On the Spot Question

17:00 – What Are We Playing?

17:12 – Borderlands, Outland, Bloodrayne: Betrayal, New Consoles, Assassin’s Creed III

50:51 – Tokyo Jungle, Torchlight 2 – 34

1:25:43 – Borderlands 2, Planetside 2, 3DS XL

1:59:56 – Updates

2:04:30 – Threesomes of the Week

Threesomes of the Week

Cole – Indie Game: The Movie, Newsroom, Collapse
Justin – Cabin in the Woods, Sons of Anarchy, 30 Rock Season 1
Josh – Castle, Marble Hornets, Doctor Who?

Subscribe to Super Gaming Best Friends – The other Wednesdays


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