Two Justins, neither of whom are big Call of Duty fans/players, tried Blacks Ops 2. Gifford finished and is still playing it. Lacey quit. Can Justin convince Justin to give Blops 2 another shot?

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

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Episode Background

After avoiding Call of Duty for 5 years, I really wanted to like Black Ops 2. I wanted a mindless shooting gallery with huge set pieces and thought I was in the right mindset to play it, but then I ran into the Strikeforce missions. I sought out Justin Gifford who seemingly had as much hesitation to jump into Call of Duty as I did, and currently really enjoys everything Black Ops 2 has to offer. I figured if anyone was ever going to convince me to give it another chance, it was him. This is a checkpoint for people who play a lot of different games but just can’t seem to get into Call of Duty no matter how hard they try. This is also for new fans of the Call of Duty series that are still learning the ropes.

Show Notes

Cast: Justin Lacey and Justin Gifford

Runtime: 32:55

Games: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.


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