Justin, Cole and Aaron report back about their ongoing adventures in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. They try their best to avoid puns about fate in regards to making recommendations on who may or may not enjoy the game. Will their loot lust win out?

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

Episode Background

With a game as big and as open as Reckoning, we knew that just one perspective would not do. Large RPG’s are an investment and the choices made within them can bring about varied experiences. We brought together 3 different gamers to get 3 different opinions on the game as they tried to not only decide if it is worth it to spend more time in Amalur for themselves, but for anyone who is on the fence about the game.

This episode is for anyone who is interested in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and is intended for those who are unsure about playing or sticking with the game.

Show Notes

Cast: Justin L, Cole, Aaron

Runtime: 34:44

Games: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.

@HorribleShows – For Horrible Night Media

Reflex Review – Like a memorable meal, some games make a big enough impression that you’ve got to tell other people about them before they’re fully digested.

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