Josh avoids spoilers for BioShock Infinite, Justin snipes alone in PlanetSide 2, and Ethan spoils everything in the name of Piers and Resident Evil 6. Plus Defiance trucks, Bollywood Bacon, and more than you ever wanted to know carapaces.

Super Gaming Best Friends: the podcast where Horrible Night writers and friends get caught up on their latest video game adventures and then get to know each other better by discussing off-topic interests.

This episode was recorded live on the Horrible Night Channel. Follow us to stay up to date on our latest live podcasts and game nights. Watch the video on YouTube.

Show Notes


Josh, Justin, Ethan


00:18 – Intro and Off-Topic

20:39 – What Are You Playing?

20:45 – Not Army of Two

23:28 – BioShock Infinite

51:38 – Defiance

1:15:22 – PlanetSide 2

1:31:50 – Far Cry 3, Skyrim, Year Walk, Ridiculous Fishing

1:58:02 – Resident Evil 6

2:24:41 – Updates


Resident Evil Deck Building Game, Zombies Board Game, Zombicide, Cards Against Humanity, DuckTales – The Moon

Subscribe to Super Gaming Best Friends – The other Wednesdays


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