Justin, Ethan, Cole, and Josh channel Lil’ Justin, Ethan, Cole and Josh to give them some cold, hard advice about their video game choices over past console generations. Give Sega a try, buy a Game Boy, give up on Final Fantasy, and other words to live by.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of HorribleNight.com as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

Throughout January, Horrible Night will be featuring articles on Gaming Regrets.

Friendly Zombies
Indie Games
Quit Crying
Throwing Out Old Consoles
A Real Gamer Budget

Show Notes


Justin L, Cole, Ethan, Josh


00:43 – Intro

05:26 – Game Industry Shout-outs

20:44 – Horrible Shout-outs

33:17 – On the Spot Question

37:46 – Gaming Regrets

38:16 – Up to 16-bit Era

58:24 – Apologies Round 1

1:03:48 – 32-bit and Beyond

1:16:35 – Apologies Round 2

1:23:37 – Current Generation

1:36:58 – HorribleNight.com Updates

Game Industry Shout-outs:

Ethan – Alan Wake on PC
Josh – This one time, at bandcamp.com…
Cole – Indie Game the Movie The TV Show?
Justin L – Rocksteady? TMNT?

Horrible Shout-outs

Cole – Alex Porter – Ready Player One Book Review
Ethan – Brandon Coppernoll – Gaming Regrets: It Took Zombies to Make Friends
Josh – Ethan Moses – Stop Making Movies Based Off of Video Games
Justin L – Cole Monroe – Gaming Lifestyle: The Lost Art of Video Game Trading

Subscribe to the Horrible Show – New Episodes every other Wednesday.

@HorribleShows – Twitter

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