News fight! Justin, Cole, Ethan, and Gifford find more than a few headlines worth discussing from last month, but do any of them matter? 3DS, Resident Evil, THQ, PAX East, cannibals, and others get the attention they rightfully deserve. Send in your questions to [email protected] or @TheHorribleShow

So what exactly happened in the video game industry in March and was any of it important? We’ll tell you, that is once we get through our Threesomes of the Week and learn about Wrestlemania and cannibalism. Our On the Spot question uses a very dirty that make Justin’s skin crawl – Will there or has there been a successful “transmedia” partnership? All signs point to BioWare, but have these ideas already peaked? Our monthly headlines discussion strikes a few nerves when it comes to the Nintendo 3DS and Metacritic affecting THQ stocks, and Ethan is more than ready for a new Resident Evil game. Event details are now up for our Horrible Night Out at Net Heads on April 15th, you can RSVP on our Facebook event page. Justin brings it all back around to wrestling to wrap up the show and actually compliments Call of Duty: Black Ops for the first time in his recorded life.

Show Notes


Justin (JDevL), Cole (Colefacekilla), Ethan (Wizardtrain187), Gifford (GiffTor)


Intro and Threesomes (00:40 – 22:37)

On the Spot Question (22:38 – 29:16)

Does March Matter? (29:18 – 1:16:36)

Nintendo 3DS Launch (29:46 – 39:23)

New Resident Evil Game (39:24 – 45:36)

PAX East Games (45:37 – 51:22)

Rift Hackers (51:24 – 57:45)

Homefront THQ Stocks (57:48 – 1:08:36)

Duke Nukem Forever Delayed (1:08:42 – 1:14:14)

Do they matter? (1:14:14 – 1:16:36) Updates (1:16:40 – 1:19:32)

Shout Outs (1:19:38 – 1:25:58)

Threesomes of the Week:

Cole – Wrestlemania, Frozen, Portal

Gifford – Skyline, ABA Journal, Battle: L.A.

Ethan – Abduction, Dust, Acrocats/Rock Cats

Justin – Louis CK, Queens of the Stone Age, WWE All Stars


Portal, Battle: Los Angeles, Abduction, WWE All-Stars, Resident Evil, Mass Effect, LEGO Harry Potter, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil 2, SOCOM, Bastion, Fallen Frontier, Homefront, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Duke Nukem Forever, Iron Man, Fallout: New Vegas, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Resident Evil 4


Cannibalism, The Reapers Are the Angels, Justified, Resident Evil 15th Anniversary, Anonymous hacker, Metacritic, The Rock wants to do Black Ops movie

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