The prototype for Broforce was pretty much a calling for our brothusiast, Ethan. He joins Free Lives’ Creative Director, Evan Greenwood, to discuss the game, the true definition of bro, how to survive the flying sharks of South Africa, and more.

The Cursed Checkpoint is a topical video game podcast focused on discussions and interviews about a single video game, genre, news headline, or industry story. It features a rotating cast of up to 3 members of the Horrible Night writing staff and/or video game industry professionals.

Episode Background

Broforce is a side scrolling action game, developed by independent stuido Free Lives with heavy influences from 80’s action movies. With destructible environments, chaotic game play and a brotastic cast of testosterone fueled protagonists, the indie title is one of the highlights of Steam Greenlight’s current list of potential games.

Ethan stumbled across the prototype for Broforce while searching the interwebs one day and got incredibly excited about the concept and a bit pumped that the word bro was being used in such a positive light. He immediately contacted the game’s creative director at Free Lives, Evan Greenwood, in hopes of learning more about the game, the fauna of South Africa and what it was going to take to bring the word “bro” back into the good graces of the world.

This podcast is for anyone who has any interest in the game Broforce, for people that consider themselves bros or anyone that likes explosions, chaos and violence.

Show Notes

Cast: Ethan

Special Guest: Evan Greenwood of Free Lives

Runtime: 30:35

Games: Broforce

Reference: Broforce on Steam Greenlight, Download Broforce Prototype

Gaming Lifestyle – The true stories of how we play video games and how it can effect our daily lives.

Subscribe to The Cursed Checkpoint – Multiple episodes a month.


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