The day that The Horrible Show has denied all year is finally here. Justin, Josh, and Cole say goodbye to Ethan in his final in studio live show before he moves to Germany. Part roast, part intervention, part search for a replacement. Now taking resumes.

The Horrible Show – Join the editorial staff of as they discuss a variety of entertainment-focused video game topics.

This show was recorded live on Live podcasts are featured monthly. View the archived video.

Show Notes


Justin L, Ethan, Cole, Josh


00:25 – Intro

03:50 – Game Industry Shout-Outs

26:07 – Horrible Shout-Outs

45:35 – An Ethan Leaves

45:48 – The Intervention

1:00:00 – Replacing Ethan

1:22:54 – Advice for Ethan

Game Industry Shout-Outs:

Ethan – Diablo 3 Paragon Patch
Justin – Mists of Pandaria Trailer
Cole – Tokyo Jungle Release Date
Josh – Dwarf Fortress Illustration + Dwarf Fortress Guide

Horrible Ethan Shout-Outs:

Cole Best – Escape Goat Interview – The Cursed Checkpoint
Cole Weird – Ethan has the T-Virus
Josh Best – Gaming Connoisseur: The Bro-Op
Josh Weird – I Learned Something Today: Primal Rage
Justin Best 1 – Torchlight 2 Combat Strategies
Justin Best 2 – Gaming Advocate: Stop Killing Humans
Justin Weird – Reflex Review of Privates

Subscribe to the Horrible Show – New Episodes every Wednesday.


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