Connor Query, artist/graphic designer (@CMQuery_Art on Instagram), and Carrie Johnson, trash crafter extraordinaire (@nerdbabesco on Instagram), join us at the 1-minute mark.

ONE TOUGH QUESTION (Icebreaker): Did you do ever take any easy class (underwater basketweaving type) in school?For both, did you always enjoy being creative?Connor, you do a little bit of every thing, can you talk about all your work?Carrie, you and your team do a lot of recycling/reusing materials, what all do you make?For both, did you ever imagine you’d be in the adult beverage world?Connor, for the graphic design/brewery marketing, what goes into that for you when designing cans or other materials? How do you all come up the signs with those designs for the beers?Carrie, how do you go about picking bottles or materials to use?Carrie, what’s your favorite thing to create? Connor, whats your favorite thing to make?Do you asking for it or go looking for trash to recycle into your art?How do you get your materials?For both, you all teamed up recently on a giveaway, any more collaborations in store?Anyone recognize you?What do you say to someone who might want to set their creative side free?

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