Hoporenkv Native American Podcast:
“How to Avoid Scams and Stay Safe Online”

Guest Speaker:
Alvaro Puig, Consumer Education Specialist
Division of Consumer and Business Education
Federal Trade Commission

Episode Description:
We hear about various online scams going around, but we don’t often look into the dangers of them until the scamming happens to us or someone we know. In today's episode, we delve into a critical issue affecting Native American communities: the rise of online scams targeting Indigenous individuals. Ouista Atkins and Brooke Warrington, Training and Development Coordinator and Specialist respectively of the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Native Learning Center, are joined by expert from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Consumer Education Specialist Alvaro Puig, who will shed light on these deceptive practices, highlighting specific threats, and sharing valuable tips for staying safe. Alvaro shares his intel about how you can spot scams, how you can report them, the resources available to you through the FTC, and most importantly, steps you can take to protect you and your loved ones from being targeted and exploited.
This episode is essential for anyone concerned about online safety for themselves or their loved ones within the Native American community. Join us as we empower ourselves with knowledge and resources to combat online scams and protect our people.
Listen now and share this episode with your family and friends in Indian Country!

Link(s) to Include with Episode:

Guest Speaker Bio:
Alvaro has been with the FTC’s Division of Consumer and Business Education since 2004. During that time, he has worked on dozens of integrated marketing communications campaigns to raise awareness about critical consumer protection issues and to help consumers avoid scams.