Minor Prophet/Major Message: Nov 24, 2019
Speaker: Pastor Frank Yazvac
Originally Recorded: Nov 24, 2019

Micah 6:8

Micah 6:6-7

What does the Lord want from me?


Ephesians 5:1

We were never meant to imitate Him, apart from Him.

Genesis 3:8-9

Acts 17:24-28

He has no need of anything from us, but still He pursues us. Walking with God was always His intention.


Matthew 23:1-12

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

Jesus knew exactly who He was and how important He was in the Father's eyes and still lowered himself to elevate the people around him.

5 things to help you this week - is one of these your next step?
Invite someone to come with you!
Pray and Read your Bible!
Find a place to serve!
Connect in a LifeGroup
Get Baptized (sign up in your bulletin or digital connect card)