Windows 11 is a thing, Solarwinds is still a thing, Zune is still a thing, PowerBI regional migrations, and Windows 10 learns a new trick. Hope This Helps is back!

Extended show notes available at


    Windows 11 and the TPM

    Golf is boring, unless it's mini-golf

    LinkedIn is like the golf course of the internet

Boot Up

    Tiff and Steve's desktop computers, Macs

    Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake

    Solarwinds hacks + version number madness

        Get them on the payroll!

        Remember LulzSec? / LulzSec Leader 'Sabu' Flips on Friends for FBI

        Orion web console tells you one thing in the web console, Database Manager tells you something different

        Version number schemes don't line up…Product Upgrade Advisor uses YYYY.MM based versions while the database still uses legacy 12.x version schemes

    What the heck is Bonjour?

        Bonjour chat

        Barrier uses Bonjour to find other Barrier nodes

    Windows 11 phone integration

        Android apps

    Gripes about macOS Catalyst/"Project Marzipan" apps being half-baked

    macOS uses Home/End keys wrong

    More Windows 11 thoughts

        Windows 11 will require TPM 2.0, UEFI, and Secure Boot

        Surface Studio 2 can't run Windows 11

        People is Removed

    Brief tangent on disconnecting from social media/cloud services/Windows

State of the Zunion

    Elon Musk's tweet

    Steve's Zune-to-M3U-to-AirSonic PowerShell script for playlists

PowerBI data migrations + general cloud frustrations

    Configure Multi-Geo support for Power BI Premium

    Originally you could only pick one region, but more options expanded over time

    Egress costs are expensive - On-prem datacenters wouldn't see these OpEx costs

    It's a headache when moving regions

    MS can sometimes even lose your data during a regional migration?

Out-GridView is temporarily (?) dead (on Mac/Linux)

    No more work is being done on Avalonia-based Out-GridView until we move to .NET MAUI

    Let's talk about how great Out-GridView is on Windows and how nobody knows about it

Windows 10 News (literally)

    The new Windows 10 taskbar "News and interests" widget

    Why exactly was this shoved into a cumulative update? This is a new feature.

    Disabling "News and Interests" causes entire notification area to go blank

    The actual content is low quality