Microsoft Ignite 2020 hype! iOS 14 Mail changes, software KVMs, Zerologon exploits, SSU/LCU follow-ups, Teams/Exchange Online Issues, stories about imaging computers, and a variety of other topics!

Extended show notes available at

Boot Up

• #MSIgnite 2020!

• Steve hates sticky monitor edges

○ NSFW: Arm workout: The Denny's Grand Slam

• Software KVMs: Synergy versus Input Director versus Mouse Without Borders

○ CORRECTION: Input Director still exists.

• Denny's at 3am isn't THAT exciting but Ignite at Denny's is an option

• iOS 14 Mail changes - "admin approval" needed

• Enterprise application name (same ID) and permissions appear to have changed with iOS 14

• Supposed solution: update permissions to "re-approve" app or grant permissions for <org>

• Or just use Outlook for iOS, it lets you accept calendar invites without sending a response!

• Terrible places to put physical conference rooms (directly adjacent to bathrooms)

• Changing app icons in iOS 14 via Shortcuts

• Quick follow-up from HTH0025: CVE-2020-1472 has a proof of concept. Patch sooner rather than later.

• Follow-up from HTH0027: SSU/LCU merge is not for Server OSes

• Monetizable rage: Apple Watch AppleCare rant

○ Why do I have to send it in and wait for shipping? Why can't an Apple Store do it?

○ Had to wipe it before they would even ship the return box

○ 5 days of no watch for nothing

• Losing the Exchange Online Lottery: "A very limited number of users may intermittently be unable to access Exchange Online via any connection method ID" - EX220974

• Delayed Teams messages

• Phishing issues

• DigiCert emails fail SPF?

• MICROSOFT IGNITE final thoughts

• The Bud Light Showtime Cam - feature people with better cameras/internet please

• The LG VX8100 and Tiff's first phone

Declassified Sysadmin Stories

• Steve was hired for SCCM imaging

• That one time Steve had to build an SCCM server from spare parts (PowerEdge 1950)

• Imaging labs and classrooms with WDS/SCCM - Network congestion, Before and After

• Image cleanup and optimization

§ What do you mean pushing out a 100GB+ image is insane?

• Tiff went from imaging mac labs to an exchange admin

That is Accurate

• MAC is not the same as Mac

• MAC Filtering and MAC randomization

• Side note: Game Boy is two words, not one.

• Lego versus Legos

• An insane way to pronounce Symantec 

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

• What are some of your favorite free tools/utilities you use as a sysadmin?

○ Steve likes: VS Code, Windows Terminal, Everything, ShareX, RoboCopy, WinDirStat

○ My work computer -Tiff

Outro - "Plus Delta"

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• Check out Steve's solo podcast (coming in October 2020 hopefully): Things Learned