Teams August updates, EXOL external forwarding changes, Patch survey results, M365 E5/A5 licensing, SYDI, separating work data from personal data, squeaky lobster, and more!

Extended show notes available at

We had a few audio glitches, apologies for the quality variance.

Boot Up

    Ever want to feel better about your day? IT blunder permanently erases 145,000 users' personal chats in KPMG's Microsoft Teams deployment

    The name "KPMG" stands for "Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler". It was chosen when KMG (Klynveld Main Goerdeler) merged with Peat Marwick in 1987.

    Original goal: remove one user from the retention policy

    What actually happened: "In the execution of this change, a human error was made and the policy was applied to the entire KPMG Teams deployment instead of the specific account"

    Patch survey results

    RE: Wine/Running Windows applications/games on non-Windows: Valve's Wine implementation on Linux is called Proton

    Teams August Updates

Forward March

    M365 External Email Forwarding changes

    Basically a follow-up HTH0010 and this

    Transport rule vs. anti-spam policies

    We are also moving to disable external forwarding by default so organizations are secure by default.

The World of E5

    So many new changes to the Security and Compliance Center

    Defender for Android (it's also coming to iOS)

    Best Practices

We Built this SYDI on Rock and Rollllll

    Use SYDI to document servers

    GitHub page


    cscript.exe 'C:\sydi\sydi-server-2.4\sydi-server.vbs'

    <At the prompt, Enter the server name (FQDN) you want to grab documentation on>

    Also honorable mention to the AD Topology Diagrammer

Separating work from twerk

    Keeping work from personal endpoints

    When it's okay to use a personal machine

    Cloud-based stuff

    Non-VPN resources

    Keep internal network/on-prem to work-issued hardware

    If using a personal system: Don't download; Use web portals when able!

    The OneDrive debacle (syncing things to non-work systems)

    When does your personal system become a work asset?

That Is Accurate

    Squeaky lobster is the name of a toy lobster in an MS Exchange love story, and would forever change MS influence MS product development.

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

    What is something you suck at as a sysadmin?

    Steve's perpetually bad at subnetting

    Tiff - anything networking (squee)

Outro - "Plus Delta"

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    We do weddings, we do funerals, first communions, post-incident reviews