Windows Admin Center corrections, Win7 being actively exploited, Robocopy is amazing, ITSM/ITIL escalation tips and tricks for Tier 1/2/3, and more!

Extended show notes available at

Boot up

    WAC Corrections from HTH0020:

    You can successfully add a group to the local administrators now it seems. When adding a user, enter the group in the syntax of "domainname\groupname"

    Shared Connections pane now loads in Firefox it seems.

    Salty Teams Logs

    Patch KeePassRPC again - for additional protections (not as urgent)

    FBI: Get off Windows 7 - Exploits being used in the wild

    ...But who cares because there's Vulnerabilities Inside ™

    Maybe Apple knew this in advance and that's why they're moving to ARM…

    Discussion: Intel has really fallen behind in terms of progress

    MS has had enough of the App Store rules - xCloud has been denied

I <3 Robocopy



    Works over spotty VPNs


    Multithread options

    The /mir switch

    robocopy "C:\myfolder\thingtocopy" "D:\destfolder\thingtocopy" /mir /eta

    Why isn't this just default in the GUI? PowerToys?

    The Color Picker tool was recently added, so why not this too?

ITSM Escalation Do's and Don'ts:


    Escalate with no details

    Leave Illegible notes

    Leave too many useless notes (verbosity/extracurriculars/chat logs)

    Promise impossible things to the customer

    Escalate to a more expensive team if you can help it - "Minimize overall cost of support by resolving most issues with less costly resources and automation and filtering only the more complex issues to more expensive, less available support resources"

    Tie up Tier 3 IT and prevent them from working on capital projects/etc.


    Ask the dumb questions, no matter how dumb

    Do the dumb things: Check the network, ping things

    Take screenshots

    Google it

    If you think it might need approval, seek it out

    Look good for promotion opportunities

    Check AD (you probably have read access), pull logs

That Is Accurate

    "ALASKA" is the only geographical state whose name can be typed on the keyboard using only one row. Not accurate for AZERTY or DVORAK though.

Ask the Stiffs: Question of the Week

    How do you organize your piles and piles of emails?

    CORRECTION: Exchange Rules Quota range is 32KB to 256KB

    Gmail labels vs Outlook categories vs Folders

    It's too bad Microsoft doesn't consistently support categories